Here's why...
1. Geographic Proximity to the North American Market
Air travel time to major cities such as Miami, New York and Toronto – only 3.5 to 5.5 hours. This allows for in-person executive oversight of your operations in only a few hours of travel to/from Trinidad and Tobago.
2. Shared Time Zone
Trinidad and Tobago is located within the Atlantic Standard Time (AST) zone, making communication between head offices and satellite operations simple, effortless and timely.
3. Business Continuity
Our geographic location below the hurricane belt significantly reduces the risk of business disruption during hurricane seasons.
4. Skilled Talent Pool
The country has one of the largest pools of native English-speaking talent in the western hemisphere outside of North America (A.T. Kearney GSLI 2017) and a highly skilled, diverse service sector. Many tertiary level institutions are developing skills for industry-focused BPO, such as Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, Healthcare.
5. Advanced Infrastructure
We have a modern telecommunications infrastructure and international IT providers have invested in undersea cables, on-island fibre connectivity and MPLS networks. Five undersea fibre connections provide a robust and redundant core infrastructure.