Consultancy Services
Marketing/Sales Strategy and Qualified Lead Generation to Support FDI Attraction
InvesTT invites Tenderers to bid on providing Consultancy Services for the completion of a Marketing and Sales Strategy and Qualified Lead Generation to support FDI attraction into Trinidad and Tobago within specific investment sectors/industries.
The purpose of this consultancy is to support work previously completed on identifying Trinidad and Tobago's attractiveness for investment in specific sectors/industries.
Interested bidders can request and will receive the complete set of bidding documents via email only from 8:30am on Monday 17th February, 2020. All requests for bidding documents shall be forwarded to and must contain the following information:
- a) Name of Company
- b) Requesting Representative's name and position
- c) Company Address
- d) Company Phone Number
- e) Contact Email Address
The deadline date and time by which requests for bidding documents can be made is Monday 16th March, 2020 at 4:00pm.
Bids will opened in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend on Tuesday 17th March, 2020 at 2:00pm at Flagship Complex, 9-15 e TecK Blvd, Tamana InTech Park, Wallerfield. All bids arriving after 2:00pm will rejected.
Tenders must be submitted strictly in accordance with the tender documents. InvesTT does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to negotiate price with any tenderer.
All tenders must be addressed to:
Secretary, Tenders Committee, Flagship Complex, 9-15 eTecK Blvd, Tamana InTech Park, Wallerfield.