Partnership in Action – Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Beijing.

Partnership in Action – Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Beijing.

A good example of collaboration with InvesTT is best demonstrated by the working relationship we have developed over the past 10 months with the Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in Beijing. 

The diplomatic team has been very proactive in the sourcing of companies across the People’s Republic of China whose executives have an interest in tenanting e TecK’s Phoenix Park Industrial Estate (PPIE) in Pt. Lisas. They have been aggressively promoting the benefits of the Estate and extolling the work of InvesTT at business forums and conferences in various provinces. This is being done in collaboration with the marketing arm of the Estate’s Chinese contractor Beijing Construction Engineering Group (BCEG) and InvesTT’s executives who meet virtually with both entities weekly.

The tenanting of the PPIE is a key project being pursued aggressively by InvesTT this fiscal with a mandate to attract 10 Chinese tenants, hence the support from the Beijing diplomatic team is extremely valuable to our efforts. Together, we have reaped the following results thus far:

  • 17 leads, 2 of which have signed MOUs with InvesTT to become tenants on the Estate.

We take the opportunity here to commend Mr. Adrian Thomas, Charges d’Affaires, a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Beijing and his team for delivering presentations to Chinese business audiences in various provinces, introducing Trinidad and Tobago, the opportunities at PPIE and for engaging with potential business interests on our behalf. Excellent job, team!