Outsource to the Caribbean Conference 2017

Outsource to the Caribbean Conference 2017

The Outsource to the Caribbean conference 2017 (OCC 2017) is a pan-Caribbean outsourcing event for industry players in the businessprocess outsourcing (BPO) sector. The Conference will bring togetherover 100 industry leaders from the public and private sector in the Caribbean as well as investors looking for outsourcing services opportunities and are considering investing in the Caribbean’s BPOsector.

Technology and globalization has created new business opportunities changing the way business is done in a global marketplace.

The Business Process outsourcing industry is one such industry which has capitalized from the innovations in technology enabling outsourcing to become a leading generator of foreign direct investment for many developing countries.

In an industry worth $140bil USD in 2016 and an expected market value of $163mil by the end of 2021, the Caribbean is rapidly emerging as one of the most attractive destinations for BPO front office outsourcing, which includes customer-related services such as contact center services and it is taking its piece of the pie.

The OCC 2017 is hosted by the Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA) in partnership with the Caribbean Export Development Agency and funded by the European Union under the 11th EDF Regional Private Sector Development Programme.

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