Port of Spain Revitalization Project

Port of Spain Revitalization Project

Request for Proposal

Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (UDeCOTT)

RFP for a DESIGN-BUILD-FINANCE-OPERATE-MAINTAIN Public Private Partnership Arrangement for the Construction of a Mixed-Use Complex at the Salvatori Building Site, 52-56 Independence Square, Port of Spain.

The Port of Spain Revitalization Project is a Government initiative aimed at establishing the capital city as a premier location for commerce, culture and entertainment. The restoration of Port of Spain will improve the residential and commercial environment and the economic viability of both the capital city and the country. This Revitalization Project consists of a number of infrastructural developments including the Development of the Salvatori Site.

One such priority infrastructural project to kick-start this revitalization is the Development of the Salvatori Building Site. In this regard, the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (UDeCOTT) invites suitably qualified and experienced entities to submit Proposals for the Construction of a Mixed-Use Complex at the former Salvatori Building Site located at 52-56 Independence Square, Port of Spain, using a Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM), Public Private Partnership (PPP) delivery method.

The site covers an area of approximately 36,511 sq.ft. of prime Port of Spain real estate.

Instructions for Purchase of RFP Package

The tender process for this project will be conducted via UDeCOTT's E-Tender System. To participate, proponents must be registered on the E-Tender System. Proponents already registered on the E-Tender System are not required to do so again.

To access the Vendor Registration, proponents are required to go to UDeCOTT's website at udecott.com, place the cursor over the tenders menu at the top of the page, then select E-Tender portal in the drop-down list. Once registered, an automated email will be sent to the registered email account directing the proponent to activate their E-Tender account. Upon activation of the account, the proponent will be allowed access to view the RFP on the E-Tender System.

Should you encounter any technical difficulties in accessing or using the system, you are to immediately contact our IT Helpdesk at 225-4004 ext. 206 or etenderhelpdesk@udecott.com, carbon copying the Secretary of the Tenders Committee at tendersecretary@udecott.com. The RFP package will be available for purchase from February 5, 2021. To download the RFP package, you will be required to select and purchase the RFP via online payment. The cost of the package is TT$2,000.00 VAT Inclusive.

A virtual Pre-Submission Meeting will be held on Wednesday 10 February, 2021 at 9:00a.m.



The deadline for submissions is Monday 26 April, 2021 at 2:00p.m. (AST).

Please visit UDeCOTT's website at udecott.com for further details.